The Excuse Line

If it is not on Strava, then it didn't happen-  that's the mantra right? Well the reality is that sometimes we just ain't that good but we feel obliged to upload and it is embarrassing. We see the segment score, compare to the masses and then to who we are following. We know roughly where we should be in the leadership; we know where we want to be and who we want to beat but let's face it, most of the time we just do not cut the mustard. In truth most people do not care what you do or what time you post but just in case, a small comment line has evolved, starting out as a place to comment on your ride, where you went and how your experience has taken on a life of its own..... it has been an excuse line.

Conditions were far too hot

Scroll through your Strava, you will see that this need to excuse our patheticness has become endemic, luckily there are no rules as to what you can or cannot write in this line; it is not a drop down box with pre -determined reasons: forgot to eat; shouldn't have had that extra beer last night; gears were skipping;  you pretty much have a carte blanche to come up with whatever BS that you can think of. To start with, it is best to think of what area of excuse that you are going for:

- Energy and eating throughout the ride

- Lifestyle before the ride

- Bike and equipment issues

- Group members and other road users

- Weather and road conditions

- Cyclng fitness and condition

With these in mind, it is then pretty easy to elaborate with a believable excuse. If you have excusers block then here are some examples that can be copied, spliced and regenerated  to make your own.

Energy and eating throughout the ride

Forgot to bring my energy bars

Not a good idea to stop for a 3 course meal during a ride

Stomach couldn't handle the gels

Can't believe favourite coffee stop was shut

Misjudged my fueling

Lifestyle before the ride

Too many beers last night

Who thought that going to a party the night before was a good idea?

Ate way too much on my holiday

Too much work on to concentrate

Bike and equipment issues

Need to get a bike fit, sore shoulders from over reaching

Bike making a weird noise

Think the cleats are not aligned correctly

Slow puncture

Forgot my cycling shoes

Group members and other road users

Social ride with Dave and Bob

Nice ride showing Tracey around the local climbs

Got stuck in rush hour

Would have got a PR if it was not for the tractor

Unbelievable traffic

Roadworks - had to stop at temporary traffic lights

All found it hard to breath

Weather and road conditions

Unbelievable headwind, seemed to follow me around all day

35 degrees in February!!!

Got caught in a downpour, had to stop in a bus shelter

Resurfacing the road, what a nightmare!

Couldnโ€™t see a thing

Cycling fitness and condition

Not bad considering havenโ€™t been on a bike in a month

Spent too much time in the office this month so have put on a few pounds

If I were a few kilos lighter, I would have shot up that climb

Confused my cycle trip for an eating and drinking weekend

This list is obviously not exhaustive and suggestions would be very welcome. If you are not already a regular user of the excuse line, then give it a go. The most elaborate excuses are sometimes the most believable. A short word of warning though, overuse can soon turn sympathy into resentment and worst, ridicule! 

Michael Winterton