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2020 Season Calendar


2020 Season

September Sessions: 16th to 21st September

Obviously dependent on the rules and regulations of both Britain and France…

It is quite possible that travel in September will be feasible. It also neatly ties in with the Tour de France coming through the area. Therefore, I am proposing a big party weekend where we get as many of us out here as possible to cycle different routes and watch the tour.

For now, I do not want to take money but I would like you to let me know if you are interested. When the numbers are known, I can work out all the social distancing measures etc etc.

For VCT members it will be in the region of £160 for the weekend but will be tbc. It is also possible to invite friends (it will be more for non-members).

Lombardia: 9th to 12th October (Friday to Monday)

Assuming it is going ahead, I have booked 12 places in an amazing hotel in Como for this fantastic sportive and weekend. Last year was a blast! Already got people keen so only a few spots left - first come first serve.


Tour coming right past our front door

Tour coming right past our front door